Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I probably have a dirty mind.

After watching this video, i think i have a very dirty mind thinking in the context of the current state of inflatable companions this may be the next step.

But can you imagine the news headlines when it starts to malfunction, and the possible capital hill testimonies attempting to band pneumatic robotic dolls? "Their a danger to the citizens"

Fire and Ice, two distinctly different states of matter in close proximity

Think of it this way you have two major cryogenic fuel (H2 and O2) both fuels are very very very cold. When you catalyze them both they produce H20, and to some extent other exhausts such as possibly CO2 and CO these other exhaust particles are feasibly produced due to combustion of the rocket nozzel materials. The question is exactly why do icicles form on the exhaust nozzels so close to super heated/super cooled plasma?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011